National Day of Reflection 2024.

Reflect, remember or celebrate the loved ones we lost in recent years, to the NHS heroes we lost as they cared for us. This is a chance for us all to reflect together. 

Please share their name today. Let’s reflect, remember and celebrate those who mattered to us most.

By donating to NHS Charities Together, you could help support those who were there for us when we needed them most - and are still there for us all today.


Share a name

Kirsty Robinson

Auntie Net

As a wife and mother of two wonderful boys you were taken to soon - had the doctors known then what they know now about Covid you may still be with us. Rest in peace knowing that your boys are doing well and your husband has found a new love who cares for the boys and helped them turn into fine young men and they are now a loving family again.xx

Kirsty Robinson